Dam Bisbee Painted Lady - Sire Bisbee Beekeeper
3 days old
Puppies have doubled their birth weight at 6 days old - 2/3/06
13 days old and drinking and sleeping is hard work
18 days old and still growing fast Eyes open and finding their feet
38 days old and this bone looks interesting
Slippers are better
Grandma trying to get in on the act
That's better
I wonder
Never mind
Where's Grandma going?
Slippers are still good fun
Oh yes they are
Raining again
Have to play indoors then - somebody else can clear up the mess
12th April 2006 I'm Darcy and I'm Mak and we've just had our dinner
Food Glorious Food
Time for a tickle
This is fun
Our Auntie's being groomed up there Suspect it might be our turn soon
Mak drops his bit of paper to pose for this picture
Ready for a clip
I love a cuddle
This looks interesting
But there's something over here.
Darcy at her new home
Darcy - Growing Up